Friday, December 9, 2016

Tips for Avoiding Eating Too Much at Parties

Hey guys!
Do you tend to overeat at parties?

party fruit arrangement
I sometimes eat a little bit more than usual at parties.
I personally think it's OK to do so, since they're special occasions.
However, if you want to reduce the amount of food you eat at parties, keep reading.

1. Don't go to parties on an empty stomach.
If you are super hungry, you tend to eat a lot.
At parties, there can be many high calorie food.
So, if you drink a glass of milk or eat a small snack before going to parties, you feel somewhat satisfied already and will not crave for lots of food.

2. Socialize with people, not with food.
Talk to people and enjoy the party.
You don't need to just concentrate on eating :)
If you have a mindset that a party is an opportunity to socialize with people rather than a place to eat, it will make a difference.

3. Look around at all the foods and choose only ones that are highly appealing to you.
Let's say you looked at one table and found turkey sandwiches and ate one.
Then you may find a food that you like more, let's say beef steak sandwiches at the next table, and you may wish you found them earlier and end up eating both. If you found the beef steak sandwich earlier, you could have passed on the turkey sandwich that you like less.

4. Try to eat special foods, not usual foods available everywhere.
For example, you may want to skip chips or crackers. You can eat them some other time.

5. Wear clothes that fit you just right.
You can stop eating when your belt or around the waist feels tight.
It will help you since you don't want to show your bloated belly line.

6. Eat foods in the following order:
-1. Vegetables
-2. Protein (meat, fish, cheese, eggs, etc.)
-3. Carbs (pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, etc.)
-4. Sugars (desserts)
Did you know that the order in which you eat matters?
If you eat in this order, your blood sugar level increases more slowly.
Vegetables contain lots of fibers that have the effect of slowing down the digestion and absorption of sugars.
On the contrary, if you eat carbs and sugars when your stomach is empty, your blood sugar level increases rapidly, which leads insulin production in large amounts to decrease blood sugar level quickly.
Insulin has the effect of transforming unused sugars to fat and storing it. So, if it is produced in large amounts, it could make you prone to gaining weight.

7. Chew well and eat slowly.
If you eat too fast without chewing well, you may eat too much before you feel you're full.
It takes some time until the satiety center is stimulated and makes you feel full after eating, usually 20 minutes or so.

It's good to be careful about what you eat, but don't forget to enjoy your parties :)
You should be able to do both.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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